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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Lots of little things to blog about but not really enough time - so you'll have to come back again soon!!

Sorry - Alice squawked again at 3:40 ish this morning and the rest of the 'night' was very disrupted. She insisted on coming into my bed and the little tike even told instructed me as I picked her up that I'd forgotten to pick up Flat Panda! I'd had a conversation with her at bedtime about sleeping all night in her cot, she agreed but at yawn o'clock this morning I didn't bother to argue as I had to get up for work.

Tonight we had the same conversation. She squawked before 9pm, I went, I medicated, I set the humidifier going and then I got tough and left - she cried furiously for less than 5 minutes and fell back to sleep. That's given me even more determination to be strong tonight - wonder how long that'll last?!


Anonymous said...

we had this exact same situation with Nelly over the summer - she woke every night without fail at about 2 30 am and wanted to come into our bed ! We had conversations about it - about being a big girl and sleeping in her own n bed all night etc etc talked about stars and getting a special reward if she did it for a whole week...She agreed with everything but it never worked... So we ended up with two nights of controlled crying and we knocked it on the head! she got the doll and has been fine ever since. needless to say because of this she is still in a cot at 2years and 7 months and I am building up to taking the sides off the cot!! so I cannot compete your survey! anyway I beleive that we will meet in reality this weekend as you are coming to our village on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

we had these problems with nelly in the summer which is why she is still in a cot at 2 and a half! I have not moved her into beig bed yet as we went through a whole cycle of her wanting to be rocked to sleep at night and then waking up bang on 2 30am every night expecting to come into our bedroom - armed with her pillow and toys!!!
we put up with it for a while and decided to knock it on the head with controlled crying! we had tried stars and talking about staying in her own bed but at 2 30 am she did not care about stars! or dolls that did wees on the potty ( her reward!! ) it took about two nights and we cracked it ! it is amazing that she knew how to manipulate us and it worked so she kept on doing it ! BUT I still have not had the energy to move her into a big bed as I fear the constant getting up ! it is on the list for week after half term!

I look forward to meeting you and Alice as it is or village that you are coming to tomorrow \! so we can chat bedtime and sleep problems then!!