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Wednesday, January 07, 2009


BIG day tomorrow - Panel and Nursery.

Panel for approval for Little Sis's adoption. The paperwork's been punched, check, filed, checked and sorted. I'm trying to get organised, I'm hoping that by tomorrow evening I'll be feeling mightly relieved rather than wanting to turn the clock back by 24 hours.

Nursery - Alice returns to Nursery, she'd only been 3 times and it's 3 weeks since her last visit, because I was anticipating an afternoon appointment with Panel Alice is staying all day tomorrow for the first time.

Tonight during our review today and then think about tomorrow chat (that we have as often as Mummy remembers!) Alice said 'Yes' for the first time when I asked her if she wanted a Little Sister!


Snickerdoodle said...

Good luck with everything tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Snick :)

Janet said...

Hi Kate,
I'll be thinking about you today and I'll be obsessively checking your blog to see if there's any news! I'm sure Alice will have a great time in nursery too :-)
Good luck (not that you need it)
Lots of love

Ellen said...

Been thinking about you ALL morning! You should be with Panel somewhere around NOW.

Holding you in lots of hope and love. Will check in with you later!

Ellen xx