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Sunday, March 15, 2009


. . . Alice declared me a 'Pincess!' as I walked downstairs. I was wearing my pink nightie at 4pm, feeling more like a dragon than a princess - my tummy is aching again and now my head is too.

Before 10am this morning I could hear engines revving and screeching, many engines, going on and on and on. A neighbour was having a motorcross rally. He didn't warn any of the neighbours. The noise went on until after 6pm. A beautiful spring day ruined by noise pollution.

I'm hoping for a peaceful day tomorrow. Alice wants to make blueberry muffins.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh no! I hope you get lots of peace and quiet tomorrow to make up for today's noise!!
Have fun making your muffins :-) Although its even more fun eating them lol.