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Monday, January 04, 2010


The special bed's been put away, her room's been cleaned, no monsters found, sheets changed, princess bedding used for the first time.

Alice is back in her nursery, for the first night since mid November. The special bed has hardly been slept in, Alice has been in my room for nearly 2 months, mostly in my bed, she hasn't had enough sleep and I haven't had nearly enough either, something had to be done.

So tonight Alice is back in HER room, she wasn't supposed to go til tomorrow night, but she'd forgotten. Tomorrow night was the plan so that she'd be tired from a full day at nursery, but she was ready today, if we have a bad night then I'll reset the morning alarm - especially given the very cold weather forecast.

Elmer is back on the CD player and so far (5 minutes) all else is quiet though Alice has needed a lot of reassurance that I'm not leaving but just going downstairs. The separation at bedtime issue has got so bad that even my bed wasn't soothing, so it was time for a new approach, wish us luck!

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