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Monday, October 09, 2006


One of the traditons associated with adoption is to make a quilt of good wishes - a patchwork quilt made from material given by friends and family who write a wish to go with their patch. A lovely idea, but I'm not a particularly creative person - certainly not yet sufficiently proficient on the sewing machine. I have other plans for a quilt (more to come another time!)

In the meantime I have been knitting - for the first time (with a lot of help from my friend Carol - more of her another time too!!) This evening I finished it - well my part (Carol's going to crochet a border). The picture isn't very clear - but you can see how bright it is, but not how thick and lumpy!

This is the first craft project that I've actually finished - I'm good at starting them just not at completing them. I started it several months ago, most of it was knitted during my stay in hospital in September AND NOW IT'S FINISHED, HURRAY, HOORAH, YIPPEE!!! (Can you tell I'm pleased/proud?)

My daughter may not like pink - that's not important. What is important is that she will know that I thought about her while I waited for her and loved her before I met her. If my daughter turns out to be a son - then he will know that he was a bit of a surprise!!

What next? Another pink blanket!! Carol came with me to buy the yarn yesterday - I nearly drove her mad as I choose by feel and not by weight (which would make the making up much simpler as I could follow a pattern, instead she has to write me a new version - a true friend! x)

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