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Friday, October 13, 2006


More than would first appear!!

At the moment it still looks like my stepfather's dressing room.
But there's more going on behind the scenes - quite alot of retail therapy has occurred. It started in Cyprus at the beginning of last year - all A's fault - with a beautifully soft cardigan in my favourite colours, yellow and navy!!

Since then a lot more therapy has occurred - if it's a boy then he's going to look great in his dresses!! Her wardrobe is quite varied - going up to age 6!!!

She's got plenty of clothes and a variety of bibs (have stopped buying bibs until I discover which style works best for us)!

So when I realised that she had a wide variety in her wardrobe I started to worry about her toybox!
More shopping was definitely necessary. Her collection started with a Taggie blanket (underneath the others) it's fleecy and soft (can you tell that I shop by texture?) with different ribbons sewn in loops around the edge. She's also got several Asian dolls (including one that's a rattle), a chime ball, rolly turtle, sleeping teddy and the tubular thingy is a bath toy. Her latest addition is a toy bought in France this summer - the tree which is a threading toy with lots of colourful fruit and flower beads - I'm a great believer in threading toys for motor skill development and pattern making (and they're fun!!)

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