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Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I went to see M and C in their school's Nativity - excellent. Every word was clear, the children knew exactly what to do - it was clear, confident and calm, very impressive!

C is the furry cat on the far left - she 'miaowed' purrrrrfectly - but she wanted to be a sheep!

M now wants to be called Mary and (although she admitted to feeling dizzy when she saw the audience) she was great.

I hadn't seen the girls for far too long, it was lovely to see them again - we had lots of kisses and cuddles. They're growing up so fast and I can't believe how tall they're becoming. They're learning so quickly too - C started school this term and is already spelling loads of 3 letter words, and M played Scrabble with me.

When I had to leave, C said I had to stay forever (51 days apparently!) I promise I won't leave it that long again - they're great and I love 'em! x

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