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Monday, December 11, 2006


You know it's bad when your symptoms take the doctor's breath away and without asking they tell you they're referring you as an urgent case . . . the eczema's back, with a vengeance, it's bad - really bad.

The scratching isn't as bad as it's been at its worst, but my skin is sore, the spots are re-energised and infected and I'm covered with raking marks from scratching.

I came away with half a carrier bag of prescriptions - nothing new so I don't hold out too much hope of relief in the near future. My GP (who is truly lovely) told me that I could hope for an appointment between Christmas and New Year - as only the truly desperate are prepared to accept an appointment during the festive season!

I think I might ask for scratch mitts for Christmas - several people have threatened them before!

Still scratching in Wales and off for a bath - might try the prescription bath lotion tonight as I don't think I can face the seaweed tonight!

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