Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The stacking buckets are one of Alice's fav toys since we've returned from France. She loves to stack them and the moment the final bucket is in place you'd better watch out for the right hook that knocks them down!

She also loves to talk into them and listen to her distorted voice. They're also great for carrying things and for pouring things between different buckets.

She's also (finally) showing interest in puzzles - only the single piece type. Yesterday we were playing with animal puzzles (a lovely John Crane one that the pieces are really chunky, the animals are painted on both sides and in the holes), we (T and I) were trying to show her how to wiggle the piece into place, but everytime we said 'Wiggle!' she would wiggle!! Alice would wiggle herself, not the puzzle piece. Baby steps in puzzle development but a lovely memory!

1 comment:

Ellen said...


Welcome home! We've missed your blogging!

These are such lovely moments with Alice!

Yes! The stacking buckets CONTINUE to give our 'A' delight (thank you for that gift!). She's grown out of the stacking cups a bit (apart from the bath and sand/water table), but the buckets still capture her interest. I think it could be because when they crash to the floor, they make a much more impressive sound!

Puzzles. Hmmm. A different story. At 3, 'A' is only just getting amused by them. Couldn't be bothered until recently. I rhink it must really depend on the child.

So nice to have you back safe and sound (and I know just what you mean by how much you love 'returning home' after being away).

Ellen xx