Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, May 09, 2009


2 years ago - a sleepless night (I had another last night!), an early start, a phone call to the sorting office at 6:30am and I was there in person before 7am to receive a brown envelope with my referral.

I went back to my car to open it privately (not that there was anyone around at that time of the morning!) Initially I felt cheated - there was only one 6x4 photo, not the 2 that I was expecting (several minutes later I found the second - precisely stapled exactly behind the first!)

Some parents gaze at their referral photos and instantly bond with their child. I didn't - firstly I was hugely relieved that she looked healthy and then I realised that she didn't look like a 'Clara'. I didn't know that I'd call her 'Alice' for another 8 weeks and 2 days.

2 years after first seeing those photos I'm deeply in love with my baby and so grateful for the opportunity that both of us have been given.


Anonymous said...

I can manage snails but can't do tadpoles.

Virginia said...

Congratulations on such a sweet anniversary.

Gin =)