Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


There is an ancient Chinese belief about red threads, it's referred to in the adoption community, it goes something like this:
the red threads join those who are destined to be together, the thread may twist and turn but never breaks

Tonight I was talking to a special friend (you know who you are and I told you I'd be blogging about it). We were talking about knitting - she's just starting a blanket for a baby that she's waiting for, I told her about Alice's blankets and in the process of the conversation we looked back to the beginnings of this blog - October 2006 - the month that Alice was born. There were so many red threads for Alice, so many that I was amazed:
  • On Monday (6 days before Alice was born) I finished her first blanket. Later in the week I started her second (but I have yet to finish it).
  • On Thursday (3 days before Alice was born) I wrote in this post "After all those worries about how this week would be, it's been good - can I do it again next week please?" I can't believe how significant that week was and just how special it was then, even more special than I realised.
  • On Friday (2 days to go) I blogged about the nursery and all the things that were 'Waiting for Whatshername' - including the taggy, chime ball and roly turtle that I took to China.
  • On Saturday (just hours to go) I blogged about the curtain fabrics that I'd seen, including the one that I finally chose over 7 months later. I also blogged about names for Whatshername - Alice was on the list but not at the top! It was also the anniversary of the day my papers were sent to China.
  • On the day Alice was born the blog turned pink and her first baby blanket (that I'd knitted) was given back to me (from a special friend who'd crocheted the edging) - because I remember being given back the finished blanket I remember the day that she was born.
  • Not only that but it was the year that I got sent lots and lots of flowers for my birthday, I usually get a bunch or two but not as many as the week that Alice was born.
Too many for coincidences, I believe in fate and red threads - thank heavens for the blog too!


Jeff and Amy said...

Amazing how all things fell into place with all the twist and ties in that thread isn't it???

Shawnstribe said...

oh that how you spell it?
Alice was meant for you!!!!
you and your baby matched in heaven ; )
so good to catch upon your blog

Virginia said...

There is no such thing as coincindence, I beleive =).