Saturday, May 22, 2010
Have you bookmarked the new site yet? This blog is closing soon so don't rely on getting there through here!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
A new strategy - the new blog is over here, this blog will close at some stage in the future, I won't be posting here again. Contact me if you'd like the password to view photos.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday, Alice discovered that pencil sharpeners cut fingers too. Now she has a sore finger and a new respect for sharpeners. (Note - this happened whilst I was at work and Alice was at home with a very experienced child carer, also note that Alice's finger is sore but not really that bad).
I get the feeling she's a kinesthetic learner and is going to learn the hard way!
Recently she's had several 'star' charts but she always requests a smiley face not a star, I started describing what I was doing as I drew the smiley, then I started getting her to tell me which bit to do next. She still never drew!
This weekend I tried a different approach - I ASKED her to draw a picture and SHE DID!!!!!!!! So simple, so easy, boy I feel daft!
This is my Alice drawing a tiger, she needed encouragement to use some colours (right now her default drawing style is quick to finish in lead pencil, no colours), she identified the colours of a tiger, found them and then used them both at once! (After that I asked her to draw her and I AND SHE DID!!)
Lesson learnt - by Mummy!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
. . . phoning home, the phone's not working!
Fault reported, neither line working but we've still got broadband at the moment!!
Fault reported, neither line working but we've still got broadband at the moment!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We were due to meet D, A and baby D at the aquarium. Our car was the last allowed into the car park, they travelled separately and were only a few cars behind us. They were directed to another car park with so many others that even though they managed to park, they didn't manage to make it onto the shuttle bus. So we went into the aquarium and they went to the zoo!
Alice smiled through it, she seemed to understand that we couldn't control the situation either and handled her disappointment in a very mature way, she's only 3! We hoped to catch up with them once we were back at home, but that didn't work either. Still no tears. I'm really impressed with her behaviour, communication and maturity. Every day she's changing in incredible ways.
(It's not all sunshine, we're currently focusing on not using baby / made up words, she has an unfortunate way of making words that are very close to rude ones!)
always changing,
special friends,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Alice wasn't looking forward to the lion dance, we went to see it beforehand and met the dancers, it didn't help much. In previous years she's been OK, even up close, but not this year, this year she had a death grip on me, went rigid and shook. After the
We watched several Chinese styled dances and I think that we might be driving over the bridge to England for Chinese dance lessons when Alice is a little older! She was VERY keen on the dances she watched. She was very happy to make a Tiger mask with stickers and crayons - she painted another at school yesterday.
She was very proud to wear her qipao and is delighted to tell anyone about it or share this photo. She will definitely be wearing one more often. This is yet another that I bought on her adoption trip in Guangzhou, there are still a few more in the cupboard but she's getting through the sizes more quickly than I'd anticipated!
It's the first time we've been to this sort of gathering where Alice has obviously identified that other children there are Chinese and also adopted, she was happy to make this link and has referred to it several times in the past week. So even though it was a very long way (nearly 2 hours in each direction) we had lots of fun but even more crucially it was important to Alice's sense of identity and she's already looking forward to the Annual (national) Reunion next month (me too)!!
If you know where Alice goes to school you can see her on their school website. She's on the Events / Visitors page and the School Life / Charity page.
If you want the link then email me! Once this blog is private I'll post the links directly.
If you want the link then email me! Once this blog is private I'll post the links directly.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
If you're reading this you've done well to find us again, back at the old address.
This blog is staying but will be going private next month, so please comment or email me if you'd like an invitation in, if we're 'virtual' friends please include a reminder of how we 'know' each other or the link between us, thanks!
This blog is staying but will be going private next month, so please comment or email me if you'd like an invitation in, if we're 'virtual' friends please include a reminder of how we 'know' each other or the link between us, thanks!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
JANUARYS - 2010, 2009 AND 2008

Some things haven't changed - most noticeably her easy going, affectionate personality (though that is now matched by being 2 and wanting control!) and her love of dogs.
(This is a post that I originally posted in 2009 and I felt it was time for an update!)
We tried various bits on while choosing them, but not the whole outfit until this evening, just like 'Class Dance' Alice loves it and was happy to pose and pirouette for me, now she's anxious for it to be time for Class dance again.
Yet again I can't ignore how quickly she's growing up, wow!
They last came to stay in mid October. This time it was noticeable that L had changed more than Alice -
always changing,
good times,
special friends
I will be changing the blog soon, contemplating a domestic adoption I need greater privacy.
This blog will continue but with less identifying information. I'm not totally sure of the changes but they will be happening, including a name change, I know there are readers who regularly G**gle the current name to find the blog - it shouldn't be so easy to find us in future - SO NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOKMARK THE SITE!
This blog will continue but with less identifying information. I'm not totally sure of the changes but they will be happening, including a name change, I know there are readers who regularly G**gle the current name to find the blog - it shouldn't be so easy to find us in future - SO NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOKMARK THE SITE!
Friday, January 29, 2010
(It should also be noted that the photo draught on the blog has probably ended - I bought a new, grown up camera today! I took nearly 300 photos in the first 90 minutes home, Alice is happier as it has a more effective no flash mode!)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The snails stopped moving during the very cold weather at the beginning of the year. I searched online for some expert opinions and discovered the 3 most likely reasons - death, resting before egg laying or hibernation. It turned out that 1 of them had died but the other started moving again last week and this week we noticed a minute snail near the water line! So we still have 2 snails or maybe more. Since confirming the presence of the tiny snail on Monday we've lost it again, it's in the tank but it fell from the water line and is so small (10 would probably fit on a 1p piece!) that we haven't seen it since.
On Sunday I noticed that Rusty (our smallest shubumkin) had a swimming problem - every time he (I refer to all the fish as 'he'!) stopped moving he'd immediately start to sink. Another www search confirmed a likely swim bladder problem. I gave an appropriate water treatment but by the end of the day he'd stopped moving. Ironically he was my favourite fish - the one most likely to swim around to me when I approached the tank and follow my finger round. The fish total was down to 3 - Gold and Silver, both Sarosas, and Copper, another shubumkin. They've had a clean filter and a deep water change and today we chose some new fish, 2 more shubumkins ('Merica and Inky - as named by Alice) and a yellow goldfish (I named Sunshine). Interestingly they seemed to have grouped together as 6 fish in a way that they never did as 4?
So there's been drama with the tank and drama in the tank, now I'm hoping for breeding and peace!!
On Sunday I noticed that Rusty (our smallest shubumkin) had a swimming problem - every time he (I refer to all the fish as 'he'!) stopped moving he'd immediately start to sink. Another www search confirmed a likely swim bladder problem. I gave an appropriate water treatment but by the end of the day he'd stopped moving. Ironically he was my favourite fish - the one most likely to swim around to me when I approached the tank and follow my finger round. The fish total was down to 3 - Gold and Silver, both Sarosas, and Copper, another shubumkin. They've had a clean filter and a deep water change and today we chose some new fish, 2 more shubumkins ('Merica and Inky - as named by Alice) and a yellow goldfish (I named Sunshine). Interestingly they seemed to have grouped together as 6 fish in a way that they never did as 4?
So there's been drama with the tank and drama in the tank, now I'm hoping for breeding and peace!!
After dance class I asked Alice if she wanted to go to see some fish (at an aquarium), she shrieked her enthusiastic agreement and we drove over the border to B and it's new aquarium. I bought a year's pass for each of us, not only did Alice have a lovely time there but she's already asking to go back! (It would be nice to think that Little Sis might be around before the passes expire, hopefully she'll get in free for a while yet and it's very pushchair friendly - yep, already planning life with 2!)
At Alice's first Parents' Consultation last term I found out that she really enjoyed dance lessons at nursery - a complete surprise, I didn't know they had a special dance session, let alone that Alice loved it and tries really hard to follow instructions (I wish that were the case elsewhere!)
I already knew of a dance teacher locally, Alice could have started once she was 3 but I decided to delay her starting until she showed some interest! I talked her through what would happen several times and she was really looking forward to 'Class Dance'. When she woke up on the morning she asked me if I'd made her a special lunch, I couldn't understand the question - until I realised that she had thought that the class was a full day like nursery!
As she's trying it out for now she doesn't yet have a uniform, she wore leggings and a jersey top with nothing on her feet. She went in without hesitation and came out with feet like ice blocks and a huge grin - she loved it and can't wait to go again this week.
I already knew of a dance teacher locally, Alice could have started once she was 3 but I decided to delay her starting until she showed some interest! I talked her through what would happen several times and she was really looking forward to 'Class Dance'. When she woke up on the morning she asked me if I'd made her a special lunch, I couldn't understand the question - until I realised that she had thought that the class was a full day like nursery!
As she's trying it out for now she doesn't yet have a uniform, she wore leggings and a jersey top with nothing on her feet. She went in without hesitation and came out with feet like ice blocks and a huge grin - she loved it and can't wait to go again this week.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We went to Cardiff to see R*bin H*od.
We met GFN, did some PJ shopping and had lunch on the outskirts of the city.
When we got there they had the usual swords, light up wands, butterflies etc on sale. Alice was insistent that she wanted a 'green stick' and wouldn't be talked into any alternative! The panto was fine and she loved it. I'd left it late to book anything (hence the timing at the end of the season and a weekday matinee) and we ended up near the back of the stalls behind 3 different school groups.
Alice watched all the events on stage with great interest and I continue to be amazed how much she understood and remembers. She really enjoyed it, sometimes from her seat, sometimes on my lap and also cuddling with GFN - she really loved him being there too!
A lovely day, fun times, great memories!
We met GFN, did some PJ shopping and had lunch on the outskirts of the city.
When we got there they had the usual swords, light up wands, butterflies etc on sale. Alice was insistent that she wanted a 'green stick' and wouldn't be talked into any alternative! The panto was fine and she loved it. I'd left it late to book anything (hence the timing at the end of the season and a weekday matinee) and we ended up near the back of the stalls behind 3 different school groups.
Alice watched all the events on stage with great interest and I continue to be amazed how much she understood and remembers. She really enjoyed it, sometimes from her seat, sometimes on my lap and also cuddling with GFN - she really loved him being there too!
A lovely day, fun times, great memories!
special friends,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Not a single comment, no help at all! I went into school and asked today - the most simple suggestion worked, the mouse was broken!! A great relief and £14 later and a new one has been ordered, the same as the old one, but without the finger mark on the left click button, I guess that I wore the old one out!
I've checked that the mouse is correctly programmed but the right click has completely stopped working in all programs.
Not a single comment, no help at all! I went into school and asked today - the most simple suggestion worked, the mouse was broken!! A great relief and £14 later and a new one has been ordered, the same as the old one, but without the finger mark on the left click button, I guess that I wore the old one out!
I've checked that the mouse is correctly programmed but the right click has completely stopped working in all programs.
Friday, January 15, 2010
I've just spoken to the Head of the Adoption Team.
The timings I was given weren't realistic, it's going to take longer than I'd hoped (that's not a surprise but it's still a disappointment).
I'd been told if I applied at the end of last year that my HS should start in the New Year, it will but likely not until April or May with Panel about 4 months later. The more encouraging news was that a child under 18 months was a realistic expectation and that matches within 12 months is also a fair expectation in relation to how it's been in the recent past.
Rude words and a few tears.
I've never been a patient person, I don't need any more 'tests' to prove it.
The timings I was given weren't realistic, it's going to take longer than I'd hoped (that's not a surprise but it's still a disappointment).
I'd been told if I applied at the end of last year that my HS should start in the New Year, it will but likely not until April or May with Panel about 4 months later. The more encouraging news was that a child under 18 months was a realistic expectation and that matches within 12 months is also a fair expectation in relation to how it's been in the recent past.
Rude words and a few tears.
I've never been a patient person, I don't need any more 'tests' to prove it.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Over 2 hours on the phone tonight, with one person, a very special childhood friend, catching up on too many years. It's wonderful to be in contact with her again and I've sent her the link to the blog - so 'Hi G!'
At teh beginning of the phonecall I walked from the study to the playroom, crossing the narrowest part of the hall (also furthest from her room), I was mid-conversation and my attention was with G, until I heard Alice shout for me to be quiet!! (I'm afraid that's going to happen sweetie, until you learn to sleep with the door shut!)
At teh beginning of the phonecall I walked from the study to the playroom, crossing the narrowest part of the hall (also furthest from her room), I was mid-conversation and my attention was with G, until I heard Alice shout for me to be quiet!! (I'm afraid that's going to happen sweetie, until you learn to sleep with the door shut!)
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